Friday, September 28, 2007

Welcome Aiden William!

Hi Guys! I just wanted to post a slideshow of my friend Heather's new little boy! Congrats Heather! He's a cutie!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jackie & Jeff's E Session

Hey Guys! Just wanted to post some quick shots of Jackie & Jeff's Engagement Session! We had a great time hanging out at the botanical gardens! See you guys October 6th!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Stephanie & Cory's Wedding

Andrea & Ryan's E Session

Hey Everyone sorry it's been so long since my last post! This is my latest ESession with Andrea & Ryan! It was a hot day they were troopers though!
They are going to have a beautiful wedding it September....see you guys soon!

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged....
Blog tagged that Sara McDermott. So now I am supposed to list 8 random facts about me that people may not know.

8. I get really nervous before a wedding and most of the time loose sleep the night before!

7. Being pregnant at 33 is alot harder than at 24!

6. I candy....some may think it as an addiction to me! (I sometimes steal it from my kids!)

5. I really HATE cats! I am really allergic and they seem to "know" so all cats love me! Yikes lock them up already!

4. I am a really bad driver and admit to having massive cases of road rage....!!!!

3. I have had many many jobs over the last years...cause I really don't want to work in the corporate world! (I can't suck up it...pains me!) I want to be a photographer when I grow up!

2. My kids have silly nicknames I made up for son is called "bones" (because he is tall and skinny) and my daughter is "peepers" because when she wants to cuddle and take a nap she will get really close and say "peep peep peep mommy!".

1. I get really nervous when people look at my photos hoping they don't think they suck! =)

Ok that's my sad I will tag someone else!